Saturday, September 29, 2007

from here to there

beautiful out here
all clean streets with sleek buildings and water fountains,
well-dressed people running errands and credit cards,
elected officials signing multi-million dollar bills into law
and enjoying the view from historic rooms of the state capital.
maybe I missed the railroad tracks
it's beautiful out here,
while over there, people struggle to put food on the table,
those run down neighborhoods are polluted with heroin needles
and potholes because roads don't get fixed over there,
races don't mix over there
pink floyd was right,
that it's us and them,
divided by lines of money within the same city that represents
the state politically, it's completely
this has to be, but it's beautiful out here
and who should we blame?
the government? the system?
it's all the same and making amends takes more than protesting in dead ends.
making a change takes more than writing poems and spreading the blame
on The Man
he doesn't care.
The Man and Big Brother met last year, turned gay and moved to Canada,
so stop blaming The Man
because The Man is now only a man
and he is busy holding off the amen movement that says God loves everyone except homos,
sort of like the government loves everyone except hobos,
I don't know.
out here everyone accepts this discrepancy like it is natural democracy,
but beauty belongs everywhere, from here to over there.

[inspired by trenton, nj although I am not sure "inspired" is the right word]

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