Monday, July 25, 2011

heat wave

when I woke up,
my thoughts evaporated into the clouds
the clouds evaporated into the atmosphere
the atmosphere evaporated into the solar system
the solar system evaporated into the Milky Way
the Milky Way evaporated into a black hole
the black hole inverted anti-gravity and reversed the Big Bang
the universe began melting, like a candle
slowly dripping hydrogen and carbon,
the heat wave on Earth burned
and the sun swallowed our little planet.

[inspired by the heat wave of July 2011]

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

big plans

I've got plans
big, ambitious plans to get paid millions and run big things
I'll cause swings in the stock market by simply breathing
a sneeze would topple it all--
the world, the universe, every black hole
I'll have more ammo than OJ on parole
yes, big plans is what I got,
plans to take power into my own two hands and suspend reality,
I'll bend gravity and fly at the speed of light
I'll fight ... everyone,
yes, everyone
with fists made of steel I'll release a fury unseen since the start of time
oh, and I'm serious,
because I've got plans
huge, serious, colossal plans to prove everyone who has ever doubted me wrong
I'll write songs better than the Beatles,
I'll poke holes in accepted truths like needles
so you thought global warming was caused by carbon emissions?
wrong, pirates
so you thought this poem had a point?
wrong, it doesn't
so you think you can dance?
I don't know and finding out is not in my plans,
I've got more important things on my mind.