Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Status Update

Status update: I’m bored with facebook.
Do you like, dislike, or care to comment?
Or have you already moved on to the next revelation on your feed?
Sorry, I thought you were hungry.
And I thought we were friends--
After all, we’re tagged in 30 photos together yet you can’t remember my birthday
… unless you sign in.
Maybe facebook replaced my brain
Or maybe Mark Zuckerberg drained your memory and replaced it with Farmville strategy
Either way, I’m bored with facebook
I know too much about people I barely know
I know the girl from High School English class just had a baby,
And I know my freshman dorm neighbor just moved to Texas,
Oh, and I know that if I ran into both of them on the street today, I would not recognize either one,
so… what’s the point?
Am I just one of 500 million cyber-stalkers roaming the internet?
Am I crazy?
I don’t know,
but if I figure it out, check my twitter for the answer!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

all for nothing

I falsified my name and changed my DNA to a triple helix
I filled my head but my brain is untrained, fenceless and unpreserved,
like Brazilian wildfires it will be heard
these shades are blinding me, draining me,
leaving momentarily but coming back with a vengeance,
violently filling the streets like offshore bank accounts,
and I can't help but think it's all for nothing.

where am I?
that's easy.
I'm writing poems with a gun and holding hostages with a pen while shooting up and crashing like a meteor
I falsified my identity to escape and can you blame me?
I have fake passports and satellites in the sky filling my eyes with evidence of wrongdoers like the mob in Boondock Saints,
I don’t care
whenever they’re killing, I’m crying
whatever they're selling, I'm buying,
whatever you ask me, I’m lying
so quit trying
I’m done
I erased my identity and replaced it with kerosene
do you want a light?
forget it
there’s no point when you don’t even see the tunnel.