Saturday, September 29, 2007

good luck, bad luck

dirty wheels get stuck on cars where roads don't allow docking,
i'm stocking up on bad potluck dinners, meanwhile mavericks battle the phoenix suns
and bums outside are getting the run around from suits,
glistening with diamonds and spades, clever clovers and heartless trumps donald ducking away from reality t.v.
I'm starting to miss that mind numbing addiction but fuck it
time to suck it up, ride through the storm and form an inner resolve that king arthur couldn't put a sword through,
or pull out of, whichever way the fairy tale goes
I'd rather be washing windows than complaining about the brain waves I make when I paint pain invisible and let it fizzle like the good dr. pepper, left alone like a leper time and again
I try to colonize this page with rhymes and send it out to every single person in the room next door,
what would you need it for? listen clearly, eyes focus on my red liquid pumping oxygen,
feel the pleasure that metrics can't measure, it's like a treasure peninsula where pens insulate and spirits never break,
don't ever mistake me for blake, a lamb, tiger, or snake
I'm amphibian, a prime rib meridian raw in the middle and rough on the outskirts,
belly full of spirit like teens seeking nirvana, instant gratification and multi million dollar publications
time is on your side while mine is waiting for breakthroughs,
waiting to make proof that bullets can't pierce through my flesh,
not again, it's like I'm spending my life on instant replay, no luck making headway,
I'm playing too many head games and it's overtime, any moment now it's all going down,
genesis the sequel, when the world will end not with a bang but with a boomerang bringing back memories that make us forget the apocalypse in the first place, by god's grace give me a break
but I'm not a kit kat, my nine lives will end today if this day never ends,
like zack morris I'm saved by the bends while radioheading a wall ever since I can remember,
I'll be gone til november rain breathes life into this desert storm around me,
I lost what I wanted and disillusionment found me sound asleep, imagining better days,
searching for better ways to stay awake and shake this negative energy once and for all,
optimistic I know but if I wasn't I'd be crying right now and that would be no way to write a poem.


sometime along the line



fell into different orbits



are older,

and beautiful as before

our orbits meet once again, by chance


and instantly.

The past, I remember it all

after four years, after all these constant orbits,

I can still see back along the line

before you and I drifted apart

probably without a goodbye

I was young, eager to conquer and see everything,

to feel everything

my thoughts were drowned out by scattered desires.

And today, I remember then, now, and in between

every single part comes back

as a chapter,

and either this story will culminate with an explosion

(because that is what happens when orbits collide).

or we fly by each other, smile, recollect for a minute,

and then keep on flying.


be quiet.
it's 9:30 and primal therapy is on my mind
as I rewind through the last 24 hours
I'm feeling swamped like Jack Bauer but at least he gets to carry a gun, tell people what to do and save the world.
it's 9:40 now
just the sound of me, my keyboard clicking, and broad street humming along,
like a song created by concrete acoustics and rubber percussion
with a modern twist of irregular rhythm
one, two
get ready for it and...
quiet, because
it's 9:46 and I am nearly ready to marinate myself for the night,
that is, sleep
I keep thinking: if someone forgets to wake up my alarm, would that be such a bad thing?
9:51 now and I'm five minutes closer to seeing the morning sun along route 280.
soon broad street will wake up,
wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up

be quiet,
I'm already gone.

from here to there

beautiful out here
all clean streets with sleek buildings and water fountains,
well-dressed people running errands and credit cards,
elected officials signing multi-million dollar bills into law
and enjoying the view from historic rooms of the state capital.
maybe I missed the railroad tracks
it's beautiful out here,
while over there, people struggle to put food on the table,
those run down neighborhoods are polluted with heroin needles
and potholes because roads don't get fixed over there,
races don't mix over there
pink floyd was right,
that it's us and them,
divided by lines of money within the same city that represents
the state politically, it's completely
this has to be, but it's beautiful out here
and who should we blame?
the government? the system?
it's all the same and making amends takes more than protesting in dead ends.
making a change takes more than writing poems and spreading the blame
on The Man
he doesn't care.
The Man and Big Brother met last year, turned gay and moved to Canada,
so stop blaming The Man
because The Man is now only a man
and he is busy holding off the amen movement that says God loves everyone except homos,
sort of like the government loves everyone except hobos,
I don't know.
out here everyone accepts this discrepancy like it is natural democracy,
but beauty belongs everywhere, from here to over there.

[inspired by trenton, nj although I am not sure "inspired" is the right word]

Saturday, September 1, 2007

in the mood for poetry and other deep thoughts

I’m in the mood for a love poem.
I’m feeling good about this like my soul mate is out there, getting ready to be found
or right in front of me, who knows?
but now I’m in the mood for a What-the-Fuck!-is-going-on poem
I want to question social habits and war advocates
I want to raise my fist in denial and charge my rhymes like electric wires!!!!
actually, What-the-Fuck is the point?
I’m really in the mood for an angry poem that breaks windows in every room
and assumes the worst about people,
Stop listening so I can’t tell you how I’m in the mood for humor
one liners is what I got
but maybe I can’t be funny today,
just melancholy and tired,
wired by caffeine and deflated by green nicotine,
everyone is the same, telling me this poem is lame
I'm exhausted like princess Diana running from fame
with constant question marks trailing me,
anxiety is taking me down
I can say it straight to the point or around,
there’s no escaping this poem, it’s hot pursuit
I’m running on foot and losing
sometimes the pain can be soothing
but who am I fooling?

fuck this poem, I’m in the mood for some chinese food.

Feel the Love

As Islam gets conquered by Crusading rapists,
facing weapons, fires burning cities to skeletons,
Ottoman control grows.
As Ottoman control grows with precise conquests like arrows
and gunpowder bombs, belligerent armies pick up their arms
and spread like a plague, plowing through populations.
As usual, Jews get killed, always
as part of God's master plan,
rabbi, my man, if you still think God has your back you may be mistaken.
Let's blame Abraham for being ambiguous
he fathered enough murderous messiahs
to kill all of us, all of us poor souls
who know that religion brings peace only to people already deceased.

Feel the Love.

Feel the land give birth to people
who give birth to war
that gives war to death
that gives birth to CNN
that gives birth to Osama
who gives birth to new cycles of insanity.

Feel the Love.

lessons I learned in college

I learned hindsight is always twenty-twenty minutes too late
I learned that Starbucks specials can make you sedate and relate to a lesson
I learned in school -- namely how to cut corners en route to B.A. diplomas
I learned how to walk, talk, and think
and forgot it all after my seventh drink
I learned that T.V. is addictive because of Law & Order detectives
I learned to detect misplaced modifiers and
I learned to replace slang with satire my homeboy Anthony Burgess can admire
I learned there are no limits to inertia
I learned how to play by the rules and to swallow losing
and shortly after I learned how to cheat and think on my feet
I learned music notes that I can't really use
I learned about drugs that I tend to abuse
I learned unique and I learned the trend
I'm learning right now how this poem should end.

did you vote? (2004)

George W. Bush,
that evil political puppet
fucking up every day
American lives needlessly blown away
that evil conservative,
the national deficit blowing up
social security screwed up
for you and me
Iraqi freedom operation, disaster
2008, wish time moved faster
inauguration protest
turn back, throw eggs
grocery bags cost more, inflation
lower taxes don't matter, be patient
because Cheney controls Bush and that evil administration

wait ... did you vote this year?

no, not me
black flag, I want anarchy
no, got lazy watching Desperate Housewives on T.V.
didn't want to drive to vote, trying to save pennies for my gas money.

did you vote? No
did you vote? No
Did you vote? No

Well, then shut the hell up and stop complaining.

the electric taste

tongue-tied to a word that does not exist,
the small looks big and the big looks small,
magnified by a million and still murky
while looking deeply, you see what I see.

then a sound

suddenly it gets faster and faster
the trumpet breathes out soul
and stops
it gets faster
and finally an explosion so high, it makes you sink into your chair
while listening deeply, you hear what I hear

the electric sound

richer than a thousand tropical fruits in taste,
slower than a turtle,
faster than a Japanese bullet train
electric currents
mind numbing and addictive
you want it
you want it when it rains
you want it when it's cold
you want it with people
and you want it alone
you want the electric taste to spread like the plague through your body,
then stop,
then begin again,
and finally explode... until the next track.