Status update: I’m bored with facebook.
Do you like, dislike, or care to comment?
Or have you already moved on to the next revelation on your feed?
Sorry, I thought you were hungry.
And I thought we were friends--
After all, we’re tagged in 30 photos together yet you can’t remember my birthday
… unless you sign in.
Maybe facebook replaced my brain
Or maybe Mark Zuckerberg drained your memory and replaced it with Farmville strategy
Either way, I’m bored with facebook
I know too much about people I barely know
I know the girl from High School English class just had a baby,
And I know my freshman dorm neighbor just moved to Texas,
Oh, and I know that if I ran into both of them on the street today, I would not recognize either one,
so… what’s the point?
Am I just one of 500 million cyber-stalkers roaming the internet?
Am I crazy?
I don’t know,
but if I figure it out, check my twitter for the answer!