Thursday, July 10, 2008

Little Red's Story // part 6

he realized as
he started to cough and gag violently
he realized
he realized
….started to cough and gag violently..
and he realized that the record needed to be adjusted
There are words between the lines
[as an aside, this story is being broadcasted by DHN, or Divine Hack Network, our code name. what we do: steal a special wave of satellite TV available only to archaic dieties and provide it to the masses at a monthly rate. what we do not do: fund terrorism. so, this particular wave you are seeing right now, it was originally broadcasted to Zeus, Apollo, and King Tut's uncle. do you feel special? well, maybe you should get back to the regularly scheduled programming…]
There are words between the lines
her hair was caught in his throat, he realized as
he started to cough and gag violently,
puzzled by the metallic daggers that caused pain inside his inner intestine
it was a mess
he screamed and he wailed,
he prayed for Morpheus to come and give him a pill
a pill, a pill, a pill to ease the pain
it was insane, inane, and he had no one to blame but
he knew that
and that is why at this point the wolf knew that he would never see the morning dawn again,

[author: dmitry m]

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