Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Little Red's Story
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Little Red's Story // part 1
acting on a suggestion given by monk martians, who were immune to feeling pain from fire, we chose to whisper to our electronic friend- Dell.
Hi Dell.
now that we all know each other, his idea was to type wandering thoughts and take pictures, with CTRL-S, so that upon later viewing we can discover a thing or a theme or an idea or, an ideal.
philosophy, Dell says, means knowledge spiked with the right chemically isolated compounds, gun rounds, and pounds and pounds and pounds of LSD. you can see
pass the hardrive.
[author: dmitry m]
Monday, July 14, 2008
Little Red's Story // part 2
There are words between the lines
little red red red come hither, he said
with smoky eyes and a needing smile
it wasn't that kind of hunger, after all
she knew about the teeth but his pleading look told her
that he would swallow her whole
so she put down everything she had ever carried
everything she had ever learned
every warning that ever traveled down her spine
every dream that horrified or comforted her in the night
she put them down by the bed
and she dove into the mouth that would hold her
into the hollow space left in him by some other
There are words between the lines
he licked his lips
and waited for death
[author: lily]
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Little Red's Story // part 3
There are words between the lines
Death smiled. Summer was coming to an end. And what a summer it had been! Between two former presidents, an over-filled orphanage, and a sizeable earthquake off the coast of Sri Lanka, business had been good. Death could finally afford that all-in-one vacation, even after paying back the credit-card loans she had accumulated over the course of eternity.
There are words between the lines
But even Death didn't know what was coming next………………How could she? Afterall, she was not supposed to know that the little red girl would so unthoughtfully act out of character and wittingly jump right into her foe's mouth. Death's ancestral memory alerted her whenever an old fairy tale was being played out, so that she might know when to make an instantaneous appearance on the scene, even if it was merely to add a sense of darkness. No, Death did not always kill her victims, sometimes she just taught them a serious lesson, one that previous red riding girls have all received- the one we all know. On account of Little Red's odd behavior however, no notice jarred Death's skelatles as she turned her back to the beach and continued to walk.
There are words between the lines
Now, little is known about the horrific turn of events that transpire when lessons are "missed" by mankind's most famous fabled folk. Little is known, because this hardly ever happens, but when it does, oh boy. Just imagine, how many tucked in children are doomed to be corrupted by a little red sleuzy that willingly gave into a strange wolf's wide-open invitation! And on the way to Grandma's house, for shame. What if that theiving Goldilocks was accepted by the bears and invited to join their family? Hmph, the Three Little Pigs didn't build their houses out of the same material for a reason.
There are words between the lines
There is a master plan, and when it is violated backwards words go.
There are words between the lines
"I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your gingerbread house down!" cried the wolf to little red
There are words between the lines
But she ate a cookie from her basket labeled "eat me" and shrank into a dwarf and fell asleep through a tiny peep hole for a thousand years…
[author: Lea Lsf and a dash of Danila]
Friday, July 11, 2008
Little Red's Story // part 4
There are words between the lines
the white rabbit came and kissed her lips.
There are words between the lines
she awoke and became a real girl. How happy Japeto will be!
There are words between the lines
at midnight, she will bring the pumpkins home to the ministry of truth.
There are words between the lines
the world crashed through itself, looked at its own image in the glass and fainted from dizziness
or horror
[author: unknown]
Little Red's Story // part 5
heavy with a life from which he had been desperate
to make an exit
where was the hunter? the woodsman? the good samaritan?
why hadnt the ax yet separated him from his thoughts, his past?
he could feel red's hands pressed up against his inner belly
the batting of her eyelashes tortured him with every blink
her hair was caught in his throat, he realized as
he started to cough and gag violently
[author: lily]
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Little Red's Story // part 6
he realized as
he started to cough and gag violently
he realized
he realized
….started to cough and gag violently..
and he realized that the record needed to be adjusted
There are words between the lines
[as an aside, this story is being broadcasted by DHN, or Divine Hack Network, our code name. what we do: steal a special wave of satellite TV available only to archaic dieties and provide it to the masses at a monthly rate. what we do not do: fund terrorism. so, this particular wave you are seeing right now, it was originally broadcasted to Zeus, Apollo, and King Tut's uncle. do you feel special? well, maybe you should get back to the regularly scheduled programming…]
There are words between the lines
her hair was caught in his throat, he realized as
he started to cough and gag violently,
puzzled by the metallic daggers that caused pain inside his inner intestine
it was a mess
he screamed and he wailed,
he prayed for Morpheus to come and give him a pill
a pill, a pill, a pill to ease the pain
it was insane, inane, and he had no one to blame but
he knew that
and that is why at this point the wolf knew that he would never see the morning dawn again,
[author: dmitry m]
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Little Red's Story // part 7
There are words between the lines
"Call me. –Plomskey" The email said.
There are words between the lines
There are words between the lines
"Plomskey speaking."
"Woof woof, it's me."
"Oh I see. Now don't start howling, but I've got some bad news for you. Your results came back. It's what we feared most. We did a bunch of CSI – SeaLab shit to your blood, and it looks like your scientific-sounding-terms are disintegrating. Unless we figure out what's wrong in the next 8 hours, you may never see again!"
"I knew you'd understand. I've had our courier send the bill direct to you. Please be kind and pay in full before dawn. Or else we'll have to take some fingers too. And you're gonna want those when you're blind."
"Yeah, I know. I know. We'll do what we can. We've got our best scientists on the case. It's very dramatic. Say hello to the wife, eh."
There are words between the lines
Lightning struck. There was suspense.
There are words between the lines
No one knew what was going on, and so there it was… suspense, there it was… it was…it was there. And not a single fortunate one of them knew how to get rid of it. They tried acting normal to try an' ease the tension of suspense and to possibly prevent drama. But drama, ever so watchful, followed suspenses' leaky trail of anxious sweat beads for three days straight (in the fairy woods) and finally closed in upon the scene.
There are words between the lines
Flowers bloomed. There was drama.
[author: unknown]
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Little Red's Story // part 8
The wolf choked and snarled
in the darkness caused by his disease
he felt red in his esophagus, behind his tongue and
finally, finally
propelled red through his mouth and onto the floor
with a wet thud
red sucked in air
she willed herself to stand
now now
she could run run run
the wolf could only stumble in blindness
and the power his eyes had held over her vanished
she reached for the doorknob
she looked back at him
she opened the old splintered door
she looked back at him
she stepped over the welcome matt
and looked back at the shut door
she started to run
There are words between the lines
the howl - she felt it in her bones –
clawed at her red heart
her hands were still sticky with his saliva
her hair was red with his blood
his insides were under her fingernails
[author: lily]
Monday, July 7, 2008
Little Red's Story // part 9
she ran past trees, shrubs, and porcupines
(the porcupines observed this sprint ever-so-watchfully)
she ran past villages, streams, mountains, and roads that wove through the countryside of West Virginia,
and while running and swimming though air, she knew that running to freedom would take not be easy.
for little red, there was only one place to go: Tuscon.
so as the porcupines would tell you, red put forrest gump to shame,
doing so gracefully and without needing to grow a beard.
in other words: red had no fear.
she skipped over tennessee, hopped over louisiana, and did a cartwheel over texas.
nearly out of breath, she looked back and saw the sun, sand, bushes of cactus,
There are words between the lines
but she did not see the wolf.
There are words between the lines
because her optometrist appointment was only days after the wolfs….
There are words between the lines
And the chase of the blind leading the blind gave Hellen Keller hope that she too can live a fairy tale.
[author: unknown]
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Little Red's Story // part 10

"What do you see?" asked the lady in her thirties as she quickly rotated the glasses of optometry.
"Therefore" answered red as good patients are supposed to.
"Therefore what?" asked the optometry lady in her thirties.
"There four three dots" answered red as good patients are supposed to.
Little red looked again through the optometry glasses at the optometry poster on the optometry wall and saw

"Wha.." said red looking at optometry lady in her thirties"...t big eyes you have"
The optometry lady in her thirties looked down on her white optometry lab coat.
"What big ear you have" continued red as a good patients are supposed to.
"What what big hands you have" said red as good patients are supposed to.
"What big tail you have" said little red very quiet, in a dusky quiet optometry office.
"That is not a tail" said the lady in her thirties as she blushed
[author: zero]
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Little Red's Story // part 11
it was
a tail
that optometry lady had been trying to conceal
for years
the children that surrounded her youth called her
rat girl
as they tried to tug it
"I would like to be something with a labcoat" she answered
to those questions relatives always ask without thinking
what do you want to be when you grow up?
a lab coat was a long pure costume
a lab coat wasn't to be argued with
a lab coat was serious
she first tried to be one of the scientists
until she learned that their experiment
was her
she had worked in this doctor's office for ten years
she was loved by the children, and their parents
she suspected that the doctor was falling madly in love with her
her best friend was the receptionist and she would be her maid of honor
but this little red red girl
had somehow seen the tail, and could tell the tale
would she? would she?
[author: lily]
Friday, July 4, 2008
Little Red's Story // part 12
"Oo – oo, aa-aa!" Said Red, in a swift attempt at cross-species communication, forgetting that the monkey had spoken English just moments before. In her mind, the words were pure clear and direct: 'I understand. I love you. Let's go get some bananas.'
But to the lady, it wasn't enough. To reiterate, she spoke words that rarely cross the English-speaking tongue:
"Yes I'm an ape you fucking bitch. And if you tell anyone, I'll slit your unsuspecting girlish throat."
Red nodded, and the lady retreated to call the actual doctor. Blinking, Red wondered if the room was actually becoming dimmer.
Donald Plomskey was well-mannered, well-dressed, and well-educated. He never frowned, never spat, and it never occurred to him to utter a curse. He loved his wife, his kids, and the occasional pegging. In short, he was a mild, mild man. Il etait moins chaud. El es menos piquante. If his temeperament was likened to a pepper, he would be tasteless green bell.
Some forty-eight years prior, he had been born into a soft silken down pillow lifestyle. The kind of pillow that seems so comfortable and soft to the touch, but compresses into nothing when your head actually falls flat, resting on the firmness of the mattress, springs poking into your temple.
Plomskey strolled into the observation room like a graceful, long-legged Dr.Seuss sketch. Today was Friday, also known as Family Fun Day, where he joined his wife and kids for delivered pizza, and the unexpected adrenaline rush of board games. And Donald never lost, even if it made his daughter cry. The evening looked promising. Looking at his extra fancy platinum watch, a gift to commemorate a life of success from his parents, Plomskey beamed. Only 3:30 and his last patient was in the room with him. Chop chop, clap the hands together, finish it up, and he'd beat the traffic home.
"Oh yes, you're the girl with the serious case. The
Plomskey was a good fellow. A nice one indeed. Tis matters not that he enjoys pegging. To each his own. He had to tell the woman she was going to be blind in a matter of hours, it was his job. He bore a heavy burden on the soul. Imagine, to tell people they are dying, and going blind, every day for a living…Tis tough. But Plomskey sucked it up, he did what he had to do, for it was his job. And Plomskey was a man who did his job, it was all he had.
So he took in a breath, closed his eyes, and thought of two penguins in an ice cavern – one of them slid down an ice shoot and the other one said "Ich muss loss, tschuess" and followed his brethren. The ice cave was his cavern, his center of gravity, his inner Ruheplatz, or was it innerer Ruheplatz? Ever since the second penguin started speaking Plomsky has been seeing several psychoatrists. Sometimes he felt if they were all the same, but charged differently depending on the level of vocabularly they used. Franz von Wolfenburg was his newest hope with an hourly charge of over $250 an hour. This was more than any of his other latest shrinks, but he would pay anything to shut that penguin up. The annoyingly persistent creature has been torturing his mind for over a year now and even though he has gotten used to the voice, the penguin speaking out loud always shocked Plomsky – and thus he entered reality one more time.
[author: unknown]
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Little Red's Story // part 13
But But But…
This time the penguins followed the dear doctor to reality. And they brought their vocabulary with them. The penguins chased Plomsky across the city, village, and desert, until it was just them and their prey. And to make a long story less long, Plomsky's remains can be found at 95 latitude and 230 longitude. Go look for them, he is still wearing that golden watch.
His remains remain in Maine, where his fame transcends the radios, the heads, and the bends. And so, we send you this postcard from Maine, from New York, from Jersey, from West Virginia, and the thoughts that can flow through Plomsky's head during the last minutes of his life can also flow through you. And Little Red, … , well, she is still little, living in Tuscon, and fighting Klingons in her secret life. (Think Superman mixed with Spiderman mixed with marshmellows mixed with seven-figure bank accounts). (bling). (the smell lingers in Plomsky's fingers and even the ring one).
Little Red re-enters and spends fifteen minutes looking for her pants. The wolf smiles with a blush, while sitting on a rock back in a valley of West Virginia, back in the land of mountains, while chewing on … you know.
[author: dmitry m]
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Little Red's Story // part 14
the tolls sing,
the rings linger in memories,
and Little Red brings her damned parcel to Grandma,
Grandma turns to Red. Her eyes are fierce, bloodshot and on the border of insane. Red, she says. You know you are the only one that has visited me in the past 15 years.
That's because you're dying grandma. My mom never wanted to see it. She wanted to keep you in her mind as a young woman, running free, bringing her kids into the woods to make sure they never lost their sense of wonder. But you've gone too far… Your age has turned bliss into disease, freedom into anxiety. Your friends are all dead. All you have left is a legacy of miscreants, diabetics and boozers, all of whom have forgotten how to spell your name. Your nine kids have abandoned you. Forgotten that you're still here, living like a bear in the mountains, breathing the fresh air and jumping at anything that doesn't feel right. It's the worst possible outcome you've ever imagined. Life sucks, you're all alone.
Except for my memories. It doesn't matter how you see it. My life is entirely in my head, without thought of how you see it. How can I be alone when my memories speak of inseparable friends, constant companions, and loves that spanned the ages. Your youth means nothing. My age speaks volumes about a longer strata of people. People who didn't care about your concept of individuality. In my day, you didn't have an individual identity. You were a concept. An idea stronger than self. A belief in love without mention of the thing that prohibited it. You weren't a person, but a bee in the hive. And the hive needs honey. And the honey is the love that you simply can't diminish. Love. Love. Love. All you need is
[author: unknown]
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Little Red's Story // part 15
All you need is
A burning fire. A good book. Something to help you forget that you're dying. DAY BY DAY. Hour by hour. Minute by minute.
But what makes you forget that you are living? Pills, obviously, and Red hasn't been the same since them. Blue ones to tuck her neatly under a moonlit blanket, pink tons of smooth-sailing ships to carry her through the cheery day. The wolf, her grandmama, the doctor, his nurse are a swirl of different flavored jams in a piping hot bowl of mannayia kasha now.
Death caught the last good wave back to shore. The wind had died down. So much for a good vacation, she thought, time to go back to work. The wind sighed, and order was restored.
Suddenly she was in woods, "the woods" to be precise, appearing on Red's front porch, to carry out the business that was rightfully hers.
"You've been having too much fun," she hissed, and Red beamed a smile so whimsical, that for a second, you could believe she was still breathing.
She fell to the dirt.
The wolf smiled, choked on the happiness in his bosom, and collapsed in a heart attack brought on by hyper-tension and a bullet tearing through his heart.
The hunter smiled, stood stock still in his boots, and cackled, "Go home you fools, go home, all of you. Your need a century's worth of brown stains removed from your teeth. And you've bugged me out for too long now."
The sun was setting as he slowly meanedered back home. The rifle hang heavy on his shoulder, and he fumbled for the cell-phone that was vibrating uncontrollably in his pocket.
"Hello?" he said.
"Doctor Plomskey would like to remind you that you have an appointment this coming Tuesday, at 2 o'clock. Please arrive at least 15 mintues early. Have a great day."
"Oh, okay," he mumbled, "but my eyes feel fine!"
"You never know what'll happen tomorrow!"
Take a deep breath. Spit out the gross shit in your throat, and close your eyes. Tomorrow's just a day away. and so is yesterday.
THE END!.........? (sigh)
[author: unknown]