from one screen to the next
that's how it goes with us corporate types,
computer and t.v.
t.v. and computer
like mac and cheese, they're an unbalanced feast
and i just looove it.
i finally got a company laptop and it's fuckin sweet
now i can sit at home and download analytical porn
(Ooohhhh yeah baby, oh yeah, let's see some more remote access!)
how's that for work ethic?
i get a hard on when i log in
and then my head starts to spin when outlook loads on my screen
(18 new messages, now my day can begin)
meanwhile the t.v. is blasting,
like a starving man fasting this makes no sense
but that's how i live, from one screen to another
my eyes focus on little letters all day
they strain to the breaking point of pure red
i'm connected even in bed because the network never ends,
it's at work and at home,
there's no escape
i'm technologically double-decked like a big mac
while being surrounded and attacked by shiny information
it's insane, and i keep coming back for more
maybe i'm a post-modern digital whore
or maybe ...
no that's it.
The post Summer FREE shows first appeared on