Sunday, June 8, 2008


I am naked
my skin is open and my peace of mind is gone.
I think I stopped believing in happy endings,
like when the screen turns dark and flashes "The End" in a decorative font,
it's a lie, they are lying (whoever "they" are) and you sit there with a big grin on your face without a clue
hello? anyone home? HELLOOOO??
open your eyes,
someone stole your clothes while you were day dreaming
now you are naked with me and our eyes connect
"what the hell is going on?" you ask
your hand is shaking, and there is nowhere to hide it
no pockets, your pants are gone, no jacket
we are naked
not just you and me but also the little crazy people on the controls inside our heads,
you are beautiful and there is nowhere to hide
"i'm scared," you say
so am I.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Iam scared of this, Mama