I live in nuclear Jersey, where atoms collide like billiard balls on New Brunswick exit 9
I live in nuclear Jersey,
where people are raised on converted farm fields, six lane highways, and Romanian barber shops
my state glows in the dark, like Ramada
in nuclear Jersey, fiber optics replace arteries
our polluted sub-urban over-populated strip-mall-shopping blood flows through congested jughandle-turning veins
up there in our stratosphere ozone molecules are dying from second hand smoke
and down here people don't breathe, they puff puff choke
because I live in nuclear Jersey
we built a garden with a heartbeat
we create a steady state of constant evolution
check the pulse
you can feel it in the air, like cardiac arrest suddenly
except your body goes comfortably numb painlessly
nuclear Jersey is perfectly stable but powerful like a meltdown
so buy a fallout shelter and enjoy your stay.
The post Summer FREE shows first appeared on LilySilly.com.
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